Build & Support
We build capability and capacity in those who support entrepreneurs by developing frameworks and plans for local programs, sharing stories, and equipping leaders with the models and frameworks to be sustainable. This can be hands-on engagement to determine feasibility in the early-days of a regional innovation hub to facilitating workshops and hackathons in an established community.

Australian university incubators: Reflections on the closure of QUT Creative Enterprise Australia
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) announced they are winding down Creative Enterprise Australia (CEA) due to impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. CEA is a subsidiary of QUT established in 2001 that includes a suite programs and spaces including: the...
Entrepreneur Education leadership opportunities for Australian primary and high schools
Entrepreneur education in Australian schools is critical to our future success. We will continue to face complex challenges in an increasingly competitive global environment. Central to an entrepreneurial approach is the ability to clearly identify challenges and take...
Coworking, innovation hubs, and flexible spaces in the COVID-19 ‘new normal’
Coworking spaces, innovation hubs, and technology parks have expanded rapidly across Australia over the past several years. These hubs act as important nodes to help make connections, provide flexible workspace for growing firms, give access to mentors and technical...
Joy Taylor from Canvas Coworking on impacts from Covid-19
Each week we catch up with a leader in the Australian Innovation Community to hear their thoughts on support for Australian innovation and entrepreneurs. This week we have a conversation with Joy Taylor from Canvas Coworking in Toowoomba to chat about the...
Entrepreneur Education in High Schools
How do we embed entrepreneur training in high school curriculum? How can external entrepreneur training be most effective? What happens at the cross section of entrepreneur training and STEAM education? We explore these questions and more in a practical and...
Liz Jackson – Connecting high school entrepreneurs to real-world opportunities
Each week we catch up with a leader in the Australian Innovation Community to hear their thoughts on support for Australian innovation and entrepreneurs. This week we have a conversation with Liz Jackson to chat about her work in connecting aspiring entrepreneurs in...
Leaders delivering regional innovation- Structure, strategy, and impact
How do key business leaders act as connection hubs and backbones in their regions? We explore this question in a practical conversation about how to support innovation, entrepreneurs, and economic diversification during a crisis. We explore what is happening, and what...
Maxine Sherrin – Spark Festival origins and the future of events in a post-Covid world
Each week we catch up with one of the leaders in the Australian Innovation Community Slack group to hear their thoughts on support for Australian innovation and entrepreneurs and experiences in the slack community. This week we have a conversation with Maxine Sherrin...