Research & Measurement
We build on the growing body of research and knowledge around entrepreneur support activity. This adds rigour to the work and allows as many as possible to benefit from the activities.

Measure value in virtual communities with the Australian Innovation Community Slack network
The Australian Innovation Community Slack network has been pretty active in its first two weeks. With over 550 members and 1500 interactions, we look at the data to explore how virtual communities emerge and where we find value. How do you measure the real value in...
Challenges and opportunities for Australian entrepreneur ecosystem leaders – what you said about COVID-19 impacts
Last week we ran a webinar to discuss the coronavirus impacts on leaders in the Australian entrepreneur support community. Around 200 people registered in six hours. As part of the registration process, we asked leaders two questions: What do you see as your...
Systems and platforms for mapping and measuring innovation ecosystems: Australian and global examples
How do we measure the impact of our entrepreneur ecosystem? Those who ask this question are usually seeking responses from a few perspectives. They may be wanting to know what indicators or metrics to use. They may be looking for what method to use or how to represent...
Entrepreneurship research in focus – Reflections on the 2020 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE)
Entrepreneurship research matters. Entrepreneurship helps individual, organisations, and regions. Personal lives can be transformed through building self-belief and providing financial freedom. Entrepreneurs in organisations can develop new opportunities and help...
2016 cohorts for Brisbane’s River City Labs, Sydney’s Stone and Chalk, and Melbourne’s York Butter Factory – Reflections and what’s next
I stumbled across some notes I took in the form of cohort maps from three Australian hubs in 2016. This combined with recent national and state reporting has me consider where we have come from and a few thoughts on what’s next. A journey from 2019 to 2016 It is...
How many entrepreneur-related events were held in Australia during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2019?
Global Entrepreneurship Week is a 10-day campaign where countries around the world focus on events related to entrepreneurial activity. The event leads to a few questions: What is the impact of GEW? How many entrepreneur-related events are run across Australia? What...
Network analysis of an entrepreneur ecosystem – PhD in progress
As the data from interviews begins to form interesting pictures, I share insights into the process and perspectives of a personal and collective journey. An update on the PhD A PhD begins with a question and some informed guesses on potential answers. You look at that...
Crafting Innovative Places for Australia’s Knowledge Economy – a review and application
“We call for rediscovering the role of places in incubating innovation to drive Australia’s knowledge economy.” Regions across Australia are looking at how to best adapt and thrive to market changes. The challenge is complex and different apply for each region. Part...